Cash Flow Notes 101

What Is A Cash Flow Note?

If you’re sitting there now saying “I’ve never heard of a cash flow note” – don’t worry. While you may not know the term, I can guarantee you know the concept. A cash flow note is nothing more than a mortgage between two individuals – instead of between an individual and a bank.

And these things are everywhere. In fact, according to the Federal Reserve there are more than $200 Billion in real estate cash flow notes in this country alone. That means, that on average each county in America holds more than $65 million in real estate cash flow notes!

How Can I Make Money With Cash Flow Notes

It's just Three Easy Steps... You just Find ‘Em, List ‘Em, and Make Money.

1.Find ‘Em - Just find someone who wants cash instead of a Cash Flow Note. There are more than $200 billion worth of notes out there. And remember, many of these people didn't want to create a note in the first place. They wanted cash. But, they need you to tell them that they CAN have it. So, they could be very happy to hear from you!

2.List ‘Em - After you find someone who wants cash just list the note on my Free Note Network Listing Service where DOZENS of investors can look at your note. Our investors LOVE to buy Cash Flow Notes and they could make an offer just minutes after you submit the information.

3.Make Money - You just made two people happy by bringing them together. So, you deserve a reward, right? Here's how you get paid… After the deal closes, the investor will give you a referral fee of a few hundred to TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars. The sky’s the limit! Your profit is completely up to you.

Is a Cash Flow Note used only in Real Estate? No. A Cash Flow Note is used in a number of areas including small business sales, accounts receivable, automobile and boat sales, and structured settlements like lottery winnings and insurance settlements. Cash flow notes are created any time an individual carries back financing after a sale instead of a bank or traditional lender.

How many homes are financed using Cash Flow Notes? Each year, more cash flow notes are created than sold. And 1 in 58 homes sold in America is sold using a real estate cash flow note. Multiply that by the number of homes sold in this country and you get the idea of how big the opportunity really is!

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